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Hector | Work Experience

Work experience is hit-and-miss…

For example, Darren, our Head of Agency, worked in quality control at a watch shop for his work experience. He spent half the time talking and the other half playing Nintendo. That’s a hit.

But we all know someone who did their work experience in a garage. They were probably sent to get tartan paint, a long-stand, and a bucket of steam from the shop. That’s a miss.

On Wednesday, a student from North Chadderton Secondary School walked into our office to start three days of work experience.

We hope we made his time with us a hit.

His name is Hector. He is a Year 10 student studying History and IT. He likes Manchester City and dislikes spicy food.

Hector wants to work in IT or be a game developer. So, it’s only fitting Hector did his work experience with the best web design agency in Manchester.

It’s been a busy three days for Hector, working from 9:30 am til 5:00 pm, getting used to the office environment, and taking a peek behind the scenes of our web development process. He also put up with Javed’s terrible jokes.

Hector’s day-by-day


On Wednesday, I set up my computer and installed the main programs I needed: WordPress for web development; Asana for task management; and Slack for team communication.

I also attended a networking event called Huddle at Oldham Library. I listened to a talk led by Christian from Haven Data Services.


On Thursday, I improved the security of several sites by updating their plugins. I also tested the functionality sites by making sure all contact forms were submitted and logged properly.

Later that day, I sat in on a client meeting. I got to see the initial stages and discussions of a project.


On Friday, I tested the functionality of another website. I installed Klaviyo through WordPress to record user activity and transactions.

Good luck Hector

Hector has managed to get to Friday without breaking any websites or falling asleep at his desk. It’s been a pleasure having him at Digitl.

We wish him all the best with his time at secondary school and his future pursuits!
